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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Michael Phelps & the Bong

So, 23 year old Michael Phelps was visiting a friend at college, went to a party where alcohol and pot were being consumed. He was caught on video smoking marijuana via a bong. He's lost a major endorsement deal with Kellogg's worth millions and has been suspended from USA swimming for three months. Is this a case of young people makes stupid choices, even famous young people? Should he be given the opportunity to overcome this? He isn't the first athlete to get caught using drugs. There is talk of possibly charging him with criminal activity...is this justified? What's your take???


chickchatmom said...

Judy -- great blog thought -- it had been on my mind too. To answer your one question, I think everyone should have the ability to make a come back.

As for the other thoughts, he's not a kid anymore; he is a young adult and he knows better (& if he didn't, he should have). And if I was his mother, I'd be so upset on so many levels!

I would be interested in the legality of the video and incrimination; how can he be incriminated by the picture alone? Anyone know this ?? I guess since he has apologized, he's admitted it was illegal?

Plus, this one hits home since I am a Baltimorian (in some sense) and thanks to Seachelle --- I'm partial to the swimming scene!

Anonymous said...

No doubt he made a poor choice. Now he's dealing with the consequences of his actions in terms of public embarrassment and losing endorsements. I feel for the kid, he probably got caught up in the moment but should have know better especially with all the publicity he's rec'd. Criminal charges are ridiculous. He's apologized, leave him alone and let him move with the hopes that he's learned a valuable ($$) lesson.

jbrokaw said...

He made a serious mistake and did apologize. He should not have done it and hopefully has now learned another valuable lesson like he did with his DUI charge. I wish A-Rod would follow his lead!!! I am also glad the Swimming Association has suspended him. I wish more of the sports leagues would follow suit. These sports people make millions and appear to be above the law, where us little folk pay the price.

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure they can't prosecute for this. Law enforcement would have had to catch him with the bong in his possession and then tested the contents to verify that it is in fact marijuana.

As far as Phelps himself, kids will be kids, and regardless of his wonderful accomplishments and fame he is still a kid. I think at the very least, he should have made sure there weren't any cameras around. (just a joke ladies) LOL

Anonymous said...

Poor Michael... he got caught on camera, and then in the media, doing something nearly every single one of us has done. (At least he had the good grace not to claim that he "didn't inhale".) He received a reprimand typical of a young athlete - suspension from sport - and the consequences of a celebrity endorser - loss of contract. (and despite being a "Phelps Phan", I have to say that I applaud Kellogg's decision, since their cereal market is mostly geared to children.) Michael also faced the consequences of being a public persona; he made a public apology. He played, he paid, just like anybody else...except that most of us don't have to worry about being "caught" on camera and published! How would any of us have liked to have had THAT concern at 23? Give the "kid" a break, (I know 23 is a bit old for adolescent behavior, but factor in that this "young man" spent his adolescence training in a pool, without as much time on the social scene as most teens, so we need to allow for a delay in maturity) but also remember that we now have 1.) an underage DUI, 2.) a night on the bong, and a popular saying from another sport...3 strikes and you're out! Hopefully our "Little Phelps" just got a big kick toward his somewhat delayed adult development!

chickchatmom said...

Ouch! I just fell off my milkcrate (the non-glorious pedastool). You are right anonymous. I think we all just hate to see such talent wasted (in youth) on silly things (that when we are older we know are so stupid)! Come on Michael --- pull it together; three strikes and we might not be so forgiving!