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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Women, the economy and stress

Recently, there was an article linking increasing stress levels in women to the struggling economy. It stated that women are "taking back" certain chores and services in an effort to save money. For example, cooking more versus eating out or picking up take out. This increasing work load would stress out anyone!! Can you relate to this? What, if anything, have you brought back into the home? Are you more stressed out by it?


chickchatmom said...

Interesting point Judy. Don't we always carry the burden!! lol

Reminds me of a conversation I had yesterday w/ another friend. I had a Starbucks latte and she asked me if the economy had affected my trips for coffee. I said absolutely -- I rarely treat for coffee these days. She commented that her husband regularly sees my husband at Starbucks; I said well his habit has not been effected, just mine. I'm the one sacrificing -- and I think this is common.

Along those same lines, my sister was telling me over the holidays that because of the economy women were sacrificing by not buying things for themselves - eg., expensive jeans, clothes, etc., in order to continue to provide for their children/family.

Anonymous said...

chickchatmom, you are so right, we are the ones who do the sacrificing!

Anonymous said...

I hear ya! I've given up my coffee stops & have inherited back the dry cleaning (YUCK)