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Sunday, March 15, 2009

How do you decline an invite???

Whether it be an invitation to a party, an evening out or a request for your participation...if you can't attend/assist (or simply may not want to) how do you decline? What do you say?


Anonymous said...

As one of my favorite friends says... it's an invitation not an obligation.

My only advice is to sometime get out of your box and you might have a good time. Some of the best times I've had is when I thought I didn't want to go. Sometimes we are just creatures of habit.

Anonymous said...

My brother (the king of charm & diplomacy) advised me (the wimpy can't say 'no' girl) to use the phrase,"Thanks,but I'm going to pass." He suggested that very few people will ask,"why?" at that point, it keeps you from having to offer a plausible explanation/excuse, and it doesn't leave an open option for rebuttal. It has revolutionized my skills of polite decline!