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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Today's CEOs

Should today's CEOs have salary caps and revised bonus structures? The argument is, to get and keep top performers, you have to entice them with extravagant benefit packages. Is this necessary? Is it fair? What if the company performs poorly, should the CEO be held accountable financially? Chime in !!!


Anonymous said...

There should be a cap determined by their board of directors. I also believe the "bonus packages" are ridiculous. Bottomline, when the company doesn't perform well and you're the top dog, no rewards!! If the company does well the CEO may EARN a bonus, a small percentage based on profits (because we're still talking hundreds of thousands).

Anonymous said...

I agree and I even go so far as to say Judges should be held to a similar rule. I think it is ridiculous when a judge has the option to throw the book at a repeat criminal and fails to do so. This drives me crazy. When I see that someone has repeatedly violated the law by abusing children -- and then read that the criminals were given reduced sentences, I get infuriated. I think judges should be held liable if they fail us citizens and victims this way.