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Saturday, March 7, 2009

Economy's Impact on Social Life

This post came from one of our "chickadees"...

If you haven't been directly impacted by the economy's downturn you probably have family and friends who have felt the crunch. Many of us have made changes with respect to what we buy, where we go and what we do. If you're not feeling the financial crunch but those you spend free time with are, have you changed what you do with them? Do you extend the invitation to go out or avoid it? Do you go somewhere less expensive to accommodate friends? You get the idea...share your thoughts!!


Anonymous said...

We've been lucky in that many friends are cutting back. We'll do more get togethers at home, potluck etc. I wouldn't exclude anyone, its a choice if you want to join in or not. We do, however, think twice when it comes to going out for a pricy evening.

chickchatmom said...

My girlfriend and I had a policy that whoever had the cash would pay w/ no stress to the other. If I had cash, I bought the coffee; if she had it, she'd buy it. It always seemed to even out - and it allowed us to continue to have fun & share times while our girls played.

Another thing that really helped is we were always honest (no keeping up w/ the Jones'). We openly shared when we had no money and when we needed to save money. We would do it together & share ideas on how to save money (and still have fun)!