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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Take a look in the mirror Chicks...

'cause this includes YOU!

A hip chick sent this along for us:

Today is International Very Good Looking, Damn Smart Woman's Day!! Send this message to someone you think fits this description.

Remember the I.V.G.L.D.S.W.D. motto: Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming 'WOO HOO what a ride! Have a wonderful day! To the Girls!!


Anonymous said...

WOO HOO...I am well on my way : )

chickchatmom said...

LOL Judy! I'm right there with ya except I probably won't have any chocolate in hand b/c I've eaten it all!