A recent study at Johns Hopkins rec'd the following for bottled water drinkers:
DO NOT drink bottled water that has been left sitting in a warm car;
DO NOT freeze your water bottles; and
DO NOT put water bottles in the dishwasher and reuse.
Heat (and extreme cold) causes a reaction with the plastic and causes a carcinogen called "dioxin" to be released into the water. Sheryl Crow was recently on The Ellen Show and explained that her breast cancer was due do high levels of dioxin in her system. Whether it is a water bottle, food container or plastic utensils, ALWAYS look at the packaging to see if it can be microwaved or placed in the dishwasher!!! Please spread the word to loved ones : )

- chickchat4us
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Tuesday, April 21, 2009
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I wonder about the bottles delivered to the home (the 5 gallon ones) ? I keep mine in the garage in all weather. I'm going to call them and see what they say.
Can Sheryl Crow say it was from the water bottles etc. I am a skeptic. I have an incurable disease. They say that environmental factors play a part but noone can exactly pinpoint which environmental factor did it-was it 3 mile island- I lived in Williamsport, PA when 3 mile island hit, then after grad school in Harrisburg-can I blame that- I had chickens, I live in CT, could it be those nasty ticks-no tested negative-who can I blame-John Hopkins and CDC have spent years and millions and still don't have an answer. I'd rather them find a cure rather than a cause. Sorry, I am a very positive person...I have to get mammograms every year as due to my disease breast cancer is elevated. I had to have my ovaries removed due to the higher incidence of ovarian cancer and the lesser symptoms. I walk every year for the komen walk and this year will have my 14 year old daughter push me in a wheelchair.
sorry, I have something called dermatomyositis, an automimmune disorder that attacks the muscles.
According to Sheryl Crow, there were unusually high level of dioxin in her system. JHU proved the correlation btwn that cemical and cancer. As far as er family hx of CA...no idea.
This is what I was wondering. We don't know where the water bottle was prior to ending up at the store we purchase it from. How do we know that it wasn't sitting in a hot warehouse or delivery truck? Is the same true for soda bottles? I think there are too many variables for Ms. Crow to be able to say with complete certainty what caused her disease. I see how finding the cause of a disease can lead to prevention measures, but I think our resources would be better served finding cures instead of causes, or at least the cure first, then search for the cause.
I think the last post had some good points -- yes, we need to continue to look for the cure; but one preventitive measure is to reduce all cuases. I think you are right that it is hard to pinpoint Crow's claim it was water bottles. Think about it - our makeup/lotions/soaps that we rub into our skin are almost all in plastic too. Are we just rubbing it into our bloodstream?
ketchup bottles, mayo, mustard, icecream containers, lotion (even suntan), shampoo, face soap, yogurt, milk, OJ, .....
it's all plastic. Can it just be water? - or is it everything. How do you find out if the bottles have dioxin?
I read in the paper recently that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" and I found that interesting. What about plastic plates, we may not heat them in the microwave, but what about when we serve hot food on them? Aren't paper plates coated with some sort of plastic to make them "leak-proof"? The list goes on.......
This is an urban legend, people. Do a little checking on reputable search sites like snopes.com or truthorfiction.com, and find out the facts.
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