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Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Father at 13 Years Old ???

Has anyone seen this story? A 13 year old British boy has fathered a baby. Apparently, he was 12 and his "girlfriend" was 14 at the time of conception. The boy's father SOLD the story to a tabloid. What is going on here? Is anyone else sickened by this, or is it just me? Where are/were the parents of BOTH CHILDREN? Share your thoughts. ---Judy

British Boy Reportedly Becomes a Father at Age 13

Thirteen-year-old Alfie Patten and his 15-year-old girlfriend Chantelle Steadman, had a child in an East Sussex hospital.(The Sun)
He's 13. He scarcely looks 10. And according to a British tabloid, he's a father. Baby-faced and only 4 feet tall, the boy, Alfie, was just 12 when he impregnated Chantelle, now 15, The Sun reported Friday. Shown in a video posted Friday on the tabloid's Web site, the diminutive Alfie takes the newborn girl in his arms. Asked what he would do to support the child financially, Alfie asks in a small, high-pitched voice, "What's financially?" The girl was taking birth control pills but missed one, the newspaper reported. Friends and relatives left the family home near Eastbourne, about 70 miles southeast of London, Friday without speaking to reporters gathered outside. The teenagers could not immediately be contacted. The Sun did not say whether any tests were conducted to prove the boy's paternity. The paper did not offer any immediate comment when asked whether it had paid the family for the story.


Anonymous said...

I read this and have been thinking it over for a few days - unbelievably sad for all involved. Obviously the 13 year old father is not truly interested in his son's welfare or he would not have sold the story. I wonder why adoption wasn't considered? Has anyone seen anything about the girl's parents? It will be a true case of "it takes a village".

I think this leads to the bigger issue of when sex ed is taught to children. I think waiting to teach kids sex ed until the age of 10+ is too late. Unfortunately, I think by 10 the kids are already talking about it and their information is is not always accurate or correct. My philosophy is to be open about it - but on a level that is appropriate to their age. I'd rather be the one to tell them about it - than their friends (who are likely wrong). Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Anonymous said...

Typo - just so there is no confusion; I meant the 13 year old's father is not truly interested in his son's welfare (or his grandchild's for that matter).

Anonymous said...

This story is just one more situation which gives evidence to the overall decline in our society... from the "children's" behavior to that of the parents/grandparents. Times have certainly changed but this is just a collapse in moral judgement and parental responsiblity. We are bombarded with sexuality in every media outlet and kids are exposed to it more than ever... Schools can only do so much and if parents are not willing to take their role seriously then is it any wonder that a 12 year old is having sex and has no idea of the consequnces. I may be pushing it here, but when has it become the norm for 13 year old girls to be on birth control? I hear more and more people indicating that their children are on it at such an early age... regardless of your stance on birth control, what is this doing to these girls physically? As with the recent octuplet fiasco it becomes an issue not only for those directly involved but all of society. People need to take more responsibility for their actions.

Anonymous said...

Great comments ladies !!
I feel for both kids but especially the baby. Where was the guidance and supervision??? How about the father that supposedly SOLD the story. There's some insight on their parental priorities. Let's exploit the situation even more. Makes me so sad.

Anonymous said...

Girls, we are now actually commenting on "news" from British tabloids.NEEEXXXXTT!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'll leave Britain and bring this one back to the U.S.!

Had the perfect segue this weekend to bring up "sex" at school with my daugther. We were cooking and talking about the importance of eating right and knowing your body (& how it works). Gently asked her if anyone at school talks about this ... etc. Out of the blue - my husband pipes in: why would they talk about that at school? They're 10! They're not talking about that! Ugh!! Moment lost. Meanwhile, I know for a fact the kids in my daughter's class are talking about sex and I was so happy to have that perfect moment; just creating that open atmosphere!

Anonymous said...

another classic "man moment"...